Page 137 - ICD-AR22-English
P. 137

    Notes to the Separate Financial Statements
Majority of the Corporation’s financial assets and liabilities are of short-term nature. However, certain financing products, Sukuk investments and Sukuk issued are with fixed rate and of long-term nature and expose the Corporation to fair value mark-up rate risk. Management, periodically, assess the applicable market rates and assess the carrying value of these financing products.
As of the separate statement of financial position date, management believe that an estimated shift of 25 basis points in the market mark-up rates would not materially expose the Corporation to cash flow or fair value mark- up rate risk.
Equity price risk
The Corporation is exposed to equity price risk on its investments held at fair value. The Corporation has only one investment which is listed and, accordingly, the Corporation is not materially exposed to significant price risk.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the non-availability of sufficient funds to meet disbursements and other financial commitments as they fall due.
To guard against this risk, the Corporation follows a conservative approach by maintaining high liquidity levels invested in cash and cash equivalents, Commodity Murabaha and Wakala placements and Murabaha financing with short-term maturity of three to twelve months. Please see note 28 for the maturity schedule of the assets.
Shari’ah non-compliance Risk
The Corporation defines Shari’ah non-compliance risk as the risk of losses resulting from non-adherence
to Shari’ah rules and principles as determined by the IsDB Group Shari’ah Board. The Corporation attaches value in safeguarding its operations from Shari'ah non-compliance risk (SNCR). Shari'ah compliance forms an integral part of ICD's purpose in line with its Articles of Agreement. Consequently, the Corporation effectively manage SNCR through leveraging on the IsDB Group wide robust framework of procedures and policies. The business or risk-taking unit, as the 1st line of defence, embeds a culture of Shari'ah compliance, while the Shari'ah Compliance function of IsDB Group serves as the 2nd line of defence to strategically manage and monitor SNCR pre-execution of transactions / operations. IsDB Group’s internal Shari'ah Audit function provides independent reasonable assurance as the 3rd line of defence post-execution of transactions/operations adopting a risk-based internal Shari'ah audit methodology.

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