Page 63 - ICD-AR22-English
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          8. Annexes
Annex 1: Acronyms & Abbreviations
AATB Arab-Africa Trade Bridges Programme
AKSPL Abul Khair Strips Processing Limited
BOOT Build-Own-Operate-Transfer
BSIC Banque Sahélo-Saharienne Pour l’Investissement et le Commerce
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
DEF Development Effectiveness Framework
DE Development Effectiveness
DFI Development finance institution
EKH Egypt Kuwait Holding
FATF Financial Action Task Force
GCC Gulf Co-operation Council
IA Investment Agreement
ICD Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector
ICIEC Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment & Export Credit
IDFC International Development Finance Club IFI International financial institution
IsDB Islamic Development Bank
IsDBG The Shari’ah Board of all entities of the Shari’ah Islamic Development Bank Group Board
ITFC International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation LOF Line of Finance
MCPS Member Country Partnership Strategy
MDB Multilateral development bank
MENA Middle East and North Africa
MSME Micro, small- and medium-sized enterprise MT Metric Tons
NBFI Non-Bank financial institution
NEGU National Grid Company of Uzbekistan
NSCO North Sinai Concession
OIC Organization of Islamic Cooperation
PEP Politically exposed person
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PPP Public-private partnership
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SME Small and medium-sized enterprise
SMEPS Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service SRI Socially Responsible Investment
TA Technical Assistance
TCC Technical Coordination Committee
We-Fi Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative

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