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 4.3 Awards & Recognition To Date
BRAVE Project earns Honorable Mention in Global SME Finance Awards Global SME Finance Awards 2022
Best Contributor to the Islamic Finance Industry
AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking & Economics 2021
‘The Kuwait Deal of the Year’
for the Kuwait International Bank's USD 300 million Tier 2 Sukuk Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2021
‘The Social Impact/SRI/ ESG
Deal of the Year’ for IsDB’s
USD 1.5 billion Sustainable Sukuk Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2021
‘Cross-Border Deal of the Year’
and ‘Pakistan Deal of the Year’ 2019
for the dual-currency financing facility for NASDA Green Energy's 50 MW wind power project Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2020
Outstanding Contribution to ESG Responsible Financial Innovation Global 2019
Capital Finance International (CFI) 2019
The Best Human Capital Development Program 2017
Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA)
Sovereign Deal of the Year 2016
Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2017
The Most Outstanding Institution
for Contribution to Islamic Finance Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum (KLIFF) 2015
‘Africa Deal of the Year’ for the CFA 100 billion inaugural sovereign Sukuk from the Republic of Senegal in July Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2015
‘Cross-border Deal of the Year’ for the landmark USD 100 million commodity Murabahah transaction with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ in September Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2015
The Award of Excellence for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Islamic Finance in the Private Sector
The London Sukuk Summit 2015
The Islamic Economy Award
– The Money and Finance Category
Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Thomson Reuters 2015
Best Islamic Finance Initiative Award
African Banker Magazine 2015
Best Development Bank
CPI Financial 2015

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