
Achieving development effectiveness is fundamental to ICD’s purpose as a development finance institution.

Maintaining a steady course towards the SDGs.

ICD conducts a survey on an annual basis to gather evidence on the contribution of ICD’s clients/partners to addressing the SDGs as well as their specific development impacts.

Number of clients who gained access to Islamic finance since ICD intervention

Number of new Islamic finance clients in 2022

Number of new clients who are women

SMEs supported through ICD financing

Women-led/managed SMEs funded

Total amount of funding to SMES
USD 172,178,291

Taxes collected for Government revenues
USD 3.03 million

Spending on community development
USD 6.6 million

Note: The ICD Annual Development Effectiveness Survey included specific questions regarding the contribution of ICD-supported projects to the SDGs. Further information can be found in the 2022 Annual Development Effectiveness Report.

ICD in Photos

ICD enriches the lives of beneficiaries throughout its 55 member countries by supporting economic development, livelihoods and prosperity, in line with Sha’riah principles.

The 3rd ICD Mobile Photography Contest invited resident citizens of all ICD’s member countries to submit their best photographs. The brief was to showcase their country’s culture, heritage, people, and development from their individual perspective.